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Like to play sports and workout. Love to go out with my wife. Like to travel everywhere.

Monday, April 25, 2011

C4T april edition Cooperative Catalyst

Both of the posts that I read on Cooperative catalyst were well thought out ways in helping our students become better students. First off the start was getting a hold of your rep to save federal money for our students and schools. Secondly the post that he stated on coop and classroots to help get educators together to work together on issues with school and schedules on how students learn. This group of teachers are combining together to get our students better educated to become our future leaders. Or as a main reason in the Presidents eyes to get our country back on top of education. I have one question on that. How do we get back on top of education if we are taking money out of education? If you want to help out education here are the websites for the House of Representatives and U.S. Senate. http://www.senate.gov/   http://www.house.gov/  

U.S. Senate
U.S. House of Representatives

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